IFKA Public Benefit Non-Profit Ltd. for the Development of the Industry

Lead partner
BSC L.t.d., Kranj
- multidisciplinary projects of regional, local and cross-border cooperation,
- entrepreneurship, competitiveness, technological development and ICT,
- promotion of investments,
- human resource development,
- development of tourism,
- spatial development,
- rural development,
- technical assistance and cooperation with partners from the EU and other countries.
RERA a.s. – Regional Development Agency of South Bohemia

Project partner
Czech Republic
Regional Development Agency of South Bohemia
A short introduction of RERA a.s. - Regional Development Agency of South Bohemia:
The agency has broad experience in managing regional and international projects since its establishment in 1999. RERA has an experienced staff focused on different thematic areas. The main activity of RERA is a regional development of the South Bohemian region through providing strategic development documents for municipalities and towns, feasibility studies, grant application forms for public and private entities, and more. RERA also provides counselling for entrepreneurs, municipalities, towns, non-profit organisations. One of the important pillars of regional development is participation in international projects and EU programmes.
BSC Business Support Centre Ltd., Kranj

Project partner
BSC L.t.d., Kranj
- multidisciplinary projects of regional, local and cross-border cooperation,
- entrepreneurship, competitiveness, technological development and ICT,
- promotion of investments,
- human resource development,
- development of tourism,
- spatial development,
- rural development,
- technical assistance and cooperation with partners from the EU and other countries.
SBA Slovak Business Agency

Project partner
Slovak Business Agency
Karadžičova 2, 811 09 Bratislava, Slovakia
P: +421 2 203 63 100
Slovak Business Agency (till 28/2/2014 the National Agency for Development of SMEs) is crucial, and is the oldest specialized non-profit organization for the support of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Slovak Business Agency was founded in 1993 by a common initiative of the EU and the Government of the Slovak Republic. It is the unique platform of public and private sectors.
The founding members include:
- Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic,
- Entrepreneurs Association of Slovakia,
- Slovak Association of Crafts.
- Support for SMEs at the national, regional and local level.
- Complex support of SMEs in compliance with the Small Business Act’s (SBA) principles.
- To improve the competitiveness of SMEs within the single EU market as well as in the non- EU markets.
- To increase the survival rate of enterprises
- To increase the employment rate in private sector
- To increase the innovation performance of Slovak enterprises
- To stimulate entrepreneurship spirit
- To avoid marginalization of enterprises
- To increase the competitiveness of Slovak business environment and Slovak enterprises
ZSI Centre for Social Innovation

Project partner
ZSI – Centre for Social Innovation
ZSI is a private non-profit institute for applied social sciences based in Vienna (Austria). ZSI implements research and application projects on the social embedding and impact of all types of innovations and contributes to the design and diffusion of socially accepted and sustainable innovations to meet global challenges. ZSI is organised in three units which are the unit "Work and Equal Opportunities", the unit "Research Policies and Development" as well as the unit "Technology and Knowledge”. Within these fields ZSI has developed competencies and methodologies which can be flexibly designed to master complex situations and framework conditions.
NESsT EUROPE Public Benefit Nonprofit Ltd.

Project partner
NESsT addresses the critical problems of emerging market economies by supporting and developing sustainable social enterprises. Operating in Latin America and Central Europe, NESsT is the catalyst of social enterprises providing them with funding and professional advice.
- CREATEs dignified jobs and income for people facing the greatest barriers to work in emerging market countries.
- INVESTs money, business coaching and social capital into early-stage entrepreneurs.
- TRANSFORMs communities so that all people are self-sufficient and empowered to determine their own futures
- CONTRIBUTES to the development of the European social economy ecosystem in participating international projects.
Since its establishment in 1997, NESst has invested more than USD 8 million in social enterprises and developed and trained about 3,300 social enterprises in 40 countries worldwide. More information: www.nesst.org
MAROM Club Association

Project partner
BSC L.t.d., Kranj
- multidisciplinary projects of regional, local and cross-border cooperation,
- entrepreneurship, competitiveness, technological development and ICT,
- promotion of investments,
- human resource development,
- development of tourism,
- spatial development,
- rural development,
- technical assistance and cooperation with partners from the EU and other countries.
REDEA Regional Development Agency Međimurje Ltd.

Project partner
Public Institution REDEA
Public Institution for the Development of the Međimurje County REDEA is a regional coordinator, which means that we provide professional support to the regional development. Public institution REDEA is engaged in strategic planning as a prerequisite of targeted development, the development of the economy, human resources and agriculture and rural development.
Our key activities and services are:
- Initiating and implementing strategic projects;
- Assisting in identifying, developing and implementing projects co-financed by national and EU programs;
- Preparing and implementing the EU projects related to the areas of our work;
- Organizing various educations for the public sector;
- Informing the public sector on available grants and subsidies programs (including EU funds) and counseling in drafting project proposals.
SMRDA South Muntenia Regional Development Agency

Project partner
BSC L.t.d., Kranj
- multidisciplinary projects of regional, local and cross-border cooperation,
- entrepreneurship, competitiveness, technological development and ICT,
- promotion of investments,
- human resource development,
- development of tourism,
- spatial development,
- rural development,
- technical assistance and cooperation with partners from the EU and other countries.
CCIS Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia

Project partner
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia
Resavska 13-15, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
P: +381 11 33 00 910
Reliable partner
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia is an independent, modern and responsible non-budgetary institution, a national association of all Serbian businesspeople, which serves the best interests of its members and the Serbian economy, owing to its tradition, experience and knowledge. Our key commitment is to make Serbia visible as a market economy country, with investment opportunities, open borders, and ready to join the European trends in a competitive way.
A century and a half of the Serbian chamber system tradition and the developed chamber network, Representative Offices abroad, are the guarantor of efficient implementation of the support mechanisms for the economy and businesspeople in their activities.
We have been and will remain your responsible partner and support to your business through:
- Representing interests of our members before the governmental bodies and institutions
- Exercising public powers by issuing various documents
- Upgrading international economic cooperation
- Promoting the economy in the country and abroad
- Disseminating business information to our members
- Consultancy services
- Business education
- Fostering good business practice and business ethics
- Work of Courts and Arbitration hosted by CCIS